A graduate from the Music and Drama Department of the Prague Conservatory, Tereza Němcová appeared as a guest in the Na Vinohradech Theatre in Petr Svojtka's staging of Král jelenem (The King Stag), in the South Bohemian Theatre in Martin Glázr's staging of the musical Malované na skle (Painted on Glass), in Švanda's Theatre in Prague in Michal Lang's production of Studna světců (The Well of the Saints). Tereza currently appears in the Na Jezerce Theatre in plays Kaviár nebo čočka (Caviar and Lentils), Lásky paní Katty (The Loves of Cass McGuire), Mandragora, and in Petrolejové lampy (Oil Lamps), on which she worked with Juraj Herz. She teaches children in a drama class at the basic school in Radotín. Her film and television experience include roles in films Dámě kord nesluší (A Sword Does Not Become a Lady, by Drahomíra Králová), O ztracené lásce (Of Love Lost) and series Dobrá čtvrť (Good Neighbourhood).