The face of the Slovak theatre and film actress Zuzana Krónerová has been appearing more and more often in Czech films lately. She was born in Martin, Slovakia, as the only child of one of the most acclaimed Slovak actors, Jozef Króner. After graduating from the University of Performing Arts in Bratislava, she joined the theatre in Trnava, later the Slovak National Theatre, and since the 1990s, she has been a permanent member of the Astorka Theatre in Bratislava. Alongside her famous father, she debuted in the television fairy tale Vymenená princezná (Swapped Princess, by Ján Gogál, 1973) and a great variety of theatre, television and film roles followed. From her abundant filmography, we ought to mention Nevera po slovensky (Infidelity Slovak Style, by Juraj Jakubisko, 1981), Keď hviezdy boli červené (When the Stars Were Red, by Dušan Trančík, 1990) or Cinka Panna (by Dušan Rapoš, 2008). In 1996, director Ivan Fíla offered a role to Zuzana Krónerová in his film Lea whereby he reminded the Czech audience and filmmakers of this Czechoslovak native. Since then, her filmography was enriched with a number of Czech films: Divoké včely (The Wild Bees, by Bohdan Sláma, 2001), Pupendo (by Jan Hřebejk, 2003), Štěstí (Something Like Happiness, by Bohdan Sláma, 2005), Václav (by Jiří Vejdělek, 2007), and Venkovský učitel (The Country Teacher, by Bohdan Sláma, 2008). The Czech Film and Television Academy acknowledged her talent by the Czech Lion (2001), and one nomination (2008). Zuzana Krónerová also devotes her time to singing, she likes chansons and jazz. She will work with Juraj Herz once more this year on the shooting of the drama Habermannův mlýn (Habermann's Mill).