Born in Prague, the Czech Republic, Michal Dlouhý began his career as an actor in his childhood – like his 10 year older brother Vladimír. Thus, an easy choice for him when selecting a secondary school was the Prague Conservatory, which he completed in 1989. Since then, he has been appearing on the stage of several theatres, e.g. Činoherní klub, the National Theatre, Švanda's Theatre, the Kalich Theatre, or at the Summer Shakespeare Festival at Prague Castle. At present, Michal belongs among the permanent guest actors of the Prague Metropolitan Theatres. He has portrayed countless roles both in the theatre and on television where he appears quite frequently in TV series (Poslední sezóna [Last Season], Hříšní lidé města brněnského [The Wicked Folk of Brno], Když se slunci nedaří [When the Sun is Not Doing Well], Život na zámku [Life at the Manor], Třetí patro [Third Floor], etc.) or fairy tales (Královský slib [The King's Promise], O princezně z Rimini [The Princess from Rimini], Ošklivá princezna [The Ugly Princess], Sedmero krkavců [Seven Ravens], O myrtové panně [The Myrtle Maiden], O vodníkovi a housličkách [The Water Sprite and the Violin], etc.). Michal Dlouhý got his first film role as a 2-year-old boy from Karel Kachyňa in Už zase skáču přes kaluže (Jumping Over Puddles Again, 1970). His voluminous filmography includes such films as Lásky mezi kapkami deště (Love Between Raindrops, by Karel Kachyňa, 1979), Dobří holubi se vracejí (Good Pigeons Return, by Dušan Klein 1988), Černí baroni (The Black Barons, by Zdeněk Sirový, 1992), Jak chutná smrt (Taste of Death, by Milan Cieslar, 1995), Zůstane to mezi námi (Just Between Me and You, by Miro Šindelka, 2003), and namely the thriller Sametoví vrazi (Velvet Killers, by Jiří Svoboda, 2005), in which this sought after actor received his first lead role.