Theatre and film actor Bořík Procházka has been a member of a number of regional theatres in Liberec, Mělník, Mladá Boleslav, and Olomouc. In Prague, he played in the Na Zábradlí Theatre, Činoherní klub, U Hasičů, and Švanda's Theatre (Studio Two). He often appeared in films, television plays and series, of which we ought to mention films Božská Ema (The Divine Emma, by Jiří Krejčík, 1979), Slavnosti sněženek (The Snowdrop Festival, by Jiří Menzel, 1983), Jára Cimrman ležící, spící (Jára Cimrman, Lying, Sleeping, by Ladislav Smoljak, 1983), Láska z pasáže (Love from the Arcade, by Jaroslav Soukup, 1984), Kamenný most (Stone Bridge, by Tomáš Vorel, 1996). He worked with director Juraj Herz on the fairy tale Galoše šťastia (The Magic Galoshes, 1987) and he portrays one of the characters in the play Oil Lamps staged by Juraj Herz for the Na Jezerce Theatre.