Actress and singer Dáša Součková is currently a member of the Lili Marlene band. She has been collaborating with various theatres since the 1980s and she got her first role in the rock opera Staré pověsti české (Old Bohemian Legends) staged at the Lucerna Theatre in Malostranská beseda. She also performed at the New Stage of the National Theatre and the Na Zábradlí Theatre, particularly in the play Milada (Nedokončená opera) [Milada – Unfinished Opera]. During her career, Dáša worked with various music ensembles and bands (e.g. Chorea Bohemica). She was a singer in the OPO band from 1990 and she has been a singer in Lili Marlene since 2003, simultaneously appearing at concerts of Precedens. She released 7 CDs. She currently appears in the musicals Dáma s kaméliemi (The Lady of the Camellias) and Němcová staged at the Ta Fantastika Theatre.